Jade War

“The possibility of death was like the weather—you could make attempts to predict it, but you would likely be wrong, and no one would change their most important plans due to threat of rain.”


A step down from the first book, in my mind.

It lingers so long on political intrigue and the slow buildup of setting and stakes, that by the time the plot lines begin to collide and everything comes together…it’s too little too late.

Still, I enjoyed the world of Kekon–the Hong Kongesque continent where most of the action happens–much more than I did the first time around.

The atmosphere inside and outside Kekon feels lived-in and vibrant and incredibly detailed (sometimes too detailed).

The character grew on me this time, but I am constantly wondering if we are following the heroes, or villains of this world.

The ideologies and morals of the “Green Bone” clans are murky to say the least. There were times in the book that I found it difficult to cheer for some of the protagonists.

I wonder how the trilogy will end because the often-discussed goal of the protagonists doesn’t feel particularly noble to me, especially considering the collateral damage they are allowing in pursuit of that goal.

Regardless, I will happily finish the series and I am dying to know what happens.

But would I recommend it? The answer to that rests on the back of the final entry of the trilogy–Jade Legacy.

Underline Worthy Quotes:

“Now, however, he felt no great relief or happiness - only the sort of heaviness that comes from wanting something for so long that the final achievement of it is a loss - because the waiting is over and the waiting has become too much a part of oneself to let go of easily.”


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